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*Most events require registrations - please scroll below calendar to register for the events *

Blind Books Are Back!
Feb. 1st onward
Our popular book deal has returned...
Spend $10 or more to pick out a Blind Date with a Book for FREE at our register. (Or they can be purchased individually.)
This deal is just getting started today!

Spring CozyCon
Mar. 9th
1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
We are excited to be working with Kensington Publishing to host a Spring Cozy Con this year! The following authors will be in attendance:
Gabby Allan
Lynn Cahoon
Kemper Donovan
Peggy Ehrhart
Traci Hall
Darci Hannah
Libby Klein
Roz Noonan
Registration is now closed.
Although Maddie Day and Nicholas George are under the weather, we will still have their books there in case anyone would like to purchase them during the event.

Irish/Green Sale
Mar. 19th - 22nd
Anything green or Irish-themed is 15% off
Happening in-shop only, this sale is for all St. Patrick's Day lovers as we dive into Irish mysteries or books with green covers.

Crafting Mystery Sale
Mar. 19th - 29th
If it has crafts in it, its discounted!
Happening in-shop only, any and all crafting mysteries will be part of a 15% off sale in celebration of National Crafting Month.
From the 26th to the 29th, we will have a FREE craft to make. While supplies last.

Easter Egg Hunt
Apr. 16th - 19th
Find an egg in the store...
This week only, find an egg hidden by our staff members, and keep the prize inside! Will you get a discount on your book purchase or some tasty treats?

Bracelet Week
Apr. 23rd - 26th
Bring your red/black bracelet to our shop
If you were at one of our larger events this past year, you should have received a red and black bracelet inside your swag bag. This week, bring in your bracelet while you shop for a special deal!

Independent Bookstore Day
Apr. 26th
12:00 pm to 5:30 pm
As a thank you to all of our loyal readers, our shop will be having 25 cent bins with select books to choose from. From old mysteries to newer ones in all sub-genres, it's a treasure trove worth digging through! (In-store only)

iScream for Mysteries
May 3rd
11:00 am to 4:00 pm
YES! Our popular Spring event is back with more authors and more books on May 3rd! With authors representing all different kinds of mysteries, it's a great way to try something new like an unlabeled box of chocolates. The following authors will be in attendance:
Jeffrey Boarts
Dennis Boyle
Michael Stephen Daigle
Stephen G. Eoannou
A.E. Faulkner
Rosie Genova
Dori Hammer
Sheryl C.D. Ickes
Patrice McDonough
Tj O’Connor
Jennifer Sadera
Westley Smith
Radha Vatsal
Robert Walton
Registration is now Open!

Mother's Day
May 7th - 10th
Pull the Flower for a Discount
Pick a paper flower from our pot to see what discount you get on your book purchase. This will be happening all week in celebration of Mother's Day.

PROMM with Mr. Bigg
May 28th
Starting @ 7 pm
Check back for more details on our first PROMM program of the year.

Local Author Sale
May 28th - 31st
15% Off All Local Authors' Books!
Check out our designated local author shelf to see which books have been published from writers who live within driving distance of our bookshop! You may even find a signed many of them have attended one of our events over the years.

Author Event
June 7th
More information will be coming soon.

Pick A Brick Discount
June 11th - 14th
Find a Brick to See Your Discount
To celebrate Father's Day, our shop will have building bricks stashed about our shelves. Anyone can find one of these hidden bricks to receive the discount on the bottom. What will you get?

Paint A Book with Sarah
June 21st
More information about this class will be coming soon.

June 25th
More Information coming...

Bracelet Week
June 25th - 28th
Bring your red/black bracelet to our shop
If you were at one of our larger events this past year, you should have received a red and black bracelet inside your swag bag. This week, bring in your bracelet while you shop for a special deal!
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