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While we may not have any discounts available, do not despair as we
always offer free shipping for orders above a certain amount.
How Much Does Shipping Cost?

Do you do special orders for books other than mystery, spy, etc?
We do offer to do special orders for other genres, at no additional charge, depending on if our supplier has it in stock. For more information on how to do a special order, please contact us through here, or by calling us at 717-795-7470 during our business hours. Feel free to leave a voicemail if it is more convenient for your timing, and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Do you offer curbside or pickup in-store options for online orders?
Yes, we do have curbside and in-store pickup options available, alongside shipping. During the checkout process, simply choose whichever option would be most suitable for your schedule and we will notify you via email when the order is fulfilled. Have any questions? Just let us know here, or call us at 717-795-7470.
Like to have a book autographed, but can't make the author event?
No problem! Place an order through our online store, over-the-phone with a staff member, or in-person at our shop, and we will have it signed for you. After the event, we can ship it out or have it reserved on a shelf for pick-up at a later time. And as always, feel free to give us a call with any concerns at 717-795-7470, or contact us here.
Looking for a used book?
Our used inventory changes so frequently, with purchases and new turn-ins almost daily, that we cannot give our readers a high level of customer service by posting all of our books online. That being said, we are more than willing to help you shop in our store via online images and chatting through one of our social media channels, or through emails. We have also done orders over-the-phone for customers looking for copies of out-of-print novels, used copies of best-selling authors, and so much more. Give us a call at 717-795-7470 or contact us here to get started.
Don't see your question listed here?
Give us a call at 717-795-7470 or contact us here, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.