2025 Spring CozyCon with Kensington

Back Row (Left to Right): Lynn Cahoon, Peggy Ehrhart, Darci Hannah, Libby Klein, Gabby Allan/Misty Simon
Front Row (Left to Right): Roz Noonan, Kemper Donovan, Traci Hall/Traci Wilton
The day didn't begin as we had intended, but when does a plan ever go exactly as it was drawn out? While the start of registration for our readers began at one o'clock, our staff and volunteers were doing their best to get the books organized in our mobile bookshop and to ensure that the authors had everything they needed for the afternoon ahead. After the introduction was made by our boss, Deb, and Kensington's representative, Larissa, made a few quick announcements, it was off to the starting gate for our ever popular Author-RoundAbout (aka Author-Speeddating).

Stuffed Bags from Kensington Publishing were handed out by a representative of the publishing house, who came with Larissa.
Our first round of the authors, getting to have a chance to talk with our readers, took them halfway across our ten tables situated throughout the fire hall's large room. Why do we do it this way? Because this format allows our readers one-on-one time with the authors to ask any questions, hear a pitch for their books, and puts more focus on making connections within the vast world of reading. After all, isn't it our connection with the main characters in a story that keeps us coming back for the next book? (Some faces may be blurred in the following pictures to protect the individual's privacy)

The table line of authors chatting with readers.

Author Peggy Ehrhart waiting for our Author-RoundAbout to commence.

Author Gabby Allan, aka Misty Simon, primed and ready to do the rounds!

A table of our attending readers going over the program and looking at what Kensington handed out.

Author Lynn Cahoon chatting with readers about her books.

Staff Member, and fellow author, Sherry Ickes steps in for an absent author to talk about the events our bookshop does.

Author Traci Hall, aka Traci Wilton, discussing the latest in her "B&B Salem mysteries," Mrs. Morris and the Venomous Valentine.
We had a break for buying books, using the restroom, and for the authors to sign our readers' new purchases! That is when our staff really had to pick up the pace in getting the books checked out as accurately, and efficiently, as possible. With so many books flying off our tables, it certainly was a daunting task. But we knew we could it!

Our mobile bookshop at the ready for our eager readers; put together by our staff and the help of our volunteers - along with a few of the authors themselves!
Next, our program went into a speedy round of fun trivia about our authors, before diving into the second segment of Author-RoundAbout. Each author had roughly five minutes to talk with our readers in order to give a sampling of their books and to answer questions. Sounds like not enough time, right? Well, that's so our authors' voices don't wear out before they have completed their journey to all of the tables and keeps our readers engaged with the fast pace of the event. (Some faces may be blurred in the following pictures to protect the individual's privacy)

Author Peggy Ehrhart talking about her "Knit and Knibbles Mystery" Series with readers.

Author Kemper Donovan chatting with a table of readers about Loose Lips, the 2nd in the "Ghostwriter Mysteries."

Author Roz Noonan discusses Puzzle Me a Murder, the first in her new mystery series.

Staff Member, and fellow author, Sarah Ickes steps in for another absent author to pass out information for our bookshop.

Author Darci Hannah talks about her new series and what inspired its theme.

Author Gabby Allan, aka Misty Simon, is having fan chatting with our readers about her "Whit and Whiskers Mysteries."
At the end of the day, we saw a lot of smiles on faces and bags filled with new reads while the clean-up process began in the background. It was nice to hear the compliments, as they are all very much appreciated by our staff and volunteers, and we also were grateful for the feedback on areas where we could improve upon. Because just like in each author's latest book, we strive to do better each and every time!

Top Left to Right: Darci Hannah featuring the new book in her latest series. Traci Hall/Traci Wilton with the first in her Scottish Shire series.
Bottom Left to Right: Roz Noonan holding Puzzle Me a Murder. Gabby Allan/Misty Simon with the latest in her Tallie Graver mysteries.

Top Left to Right: Libby Klein with a book from her Poppy McAllister series. Kemper Donovan with the latest "Ghostwriter Mystery."
Bottom Left to Right: Lynn Cahoon with the most recent release. Traci Hall with Staff Member, and fellow author, Sherry Ickes.
Thank you to all of our readers, and the authors, for coming out and making yesterday one to remember. Without any one of you, our shop couldn't continue to grow the reading community we have come to love and to help us in forging lasting relationships between you and the authors. Until our next event, we hope that your recent haul from the 2025 Spring CozyCon contains a number of treasures for your bookshelves!
And a special thanks to Barb Fellencer and Sarah Ickes for taking these great photos of our event.
#cozymystery #authorsevent #mysterybooks #pennsyvlania #authorslife #signedbooks #cozybooks #reading