iScream for Mysteries! (And yes, there was ice cream)

Back Row (Left to Right): Alan Gordon/Allison Montclair, Olivia Blacke, James McCrone, J.T. Kunkel, Don Helin, Micheal Bradley, Stephen Spotswood.
Front Row (Left to Right): Lisa Regan, P.J. Burgy, R.G. Belsky/Dana Perry, Mollie Ann Cox/Mollie Cox Bryan/Maggie Blackburn, Katherine Ramsland, Matty Dalrymple, Grace Topping, and Lane Stone/Cordy Abbott.
If we could sum up our latest event into one word, it would be FANTASTIC! Our readers, authors, and volunteers, all had a blast at our FIRST ever iScream for Mysteries event. Titles sold out, ice cream was consumed, and the chairs were filled with readers from far and wide (even some from other states!).
The day began with what our events normally start with...registration. During this time, the readers were given swag bags and picked their seats at one of the numbered tables, in the middle of the room. Why are they numbered, you ask? So that our authors know what table to start with, when our Author Round-About kicks off. That, and the simple fact that it is easier to remember where your stuff is, and at which table you were sitting at, before going to buy books, grab snacks, or to use the bathrooms once break hits.

A big thanks goes out to our volunteers, and staff, for getting the decorations up, and making the place look a little more murderously festive.

As the day went on, more and more people kept showing up for the event! Here is a picture of when Deb Beamer, the owner of the bookshop, opened the day up with a short introduction to the program.

And the authors are at the starting gate! (Waiting for the Author Round-About to begin)
During the Author Round-About, our readers had five minutes to hear the authors talk about their books, before our staff member, Sherry, squeaked the horn, and they were onto the next table. In this format, one of our readers' favorites, a more one-on-one experience is created, in order to add that nice, personal touch to the day. (In order to respect the privacy of our readers, their faces have been blurred out from the following images.)

Author Alan Gordon/Allison Montclair talks to readers about his historical mystery series, Sparks and Bainbridge, and his stand-alone, Where Werewolves Fear to Tread.

Author Don Helin discusses his military mysteries, featuring main character Colonel Zack Kelly in his latest book, Buried Relics.

Author Mollie Ann Cox/Mollie Cox Bryan/Maggie Blackburn is presenting her Charlotte Donovan Mystery series to two of our readers.

Author Olivia Blacke is in the midst of talking about her Vinyl Record Shop Mysteries, with Rhythm and Clues being the latest release.

Readers listening to Author Lane Stone/Cordy Abbott, as she talks about her Big Picture Trilogy series.

Historical Mystery Author Stephen Spotswood presents his Pentecost and Parker series to a table of readers.
Then it was time for a break, and...of buying! Our bookshop was only open during the scheduled breaks, so as to keep everyone on track with our program. Why do we schedule our events out? Because everyone gets a chance to hear from each of the authors that way, and so they can be introduced to new books and series. (Which is always very exciting!)

After some snacks, ice cream, and a little game of Author Bingo, we were back at it for another round of the Author Round-About (also known as author speed-dating). The breaks are not only there for the readers, but for the authors to rest their voices, which is something we have learned from doing our events in the past.

Horror, and Sci-Fi, Author P.J. Burgy, talks to our readers about her latest book, Parasitic.

Author J.T. Kunkle's most recent release, Under the Influence, has an ice cream shop on the front. How perfect was that?

Cozy Mystery Author, Grace Topping, brings her Laura Bishop series to life as she talks about the first book, Staging is Murder.

Author Dr. Katherine Ramsland introduces readers to her latest non-fiction book, The Serial Killer's Apprentice.

Author R.G. Belsky/Dana Perry has a chat with two readers about his books, including the Nikki Cassidy series that was just released this past month.

Left to Right: Lisa Regan, James McCrone, Michael Bradley, and Matty Dalyrmple. (photo credit goes to the Delaware Sisters in Crime Chapter's Facebook Page)
And...on a special note, we were delighted to have four authors from the Delaware Chapter of Sisters in Crime in attendance! Including one that was celebrating her 20th book in the Josie Quinn series. Congrats to Author Lisa Regan! Each of her fellow members were also celebrating new releases; such as Bastard Verdict by McCrone, None Without Sin by Bradley, and Scare Card by Dalrymple.

Oh, and we can't forget to mention about Mourning Moon Candles being there! With scents to die for...(pun intended.)
Once again, all the smiling and happy faces is why we do what we do. A big thanks goes out to all of the authors and readers who attended, as well as to our staff and volunteers. Without even one of these components, we could not continue to do events like this one. Until next time, see ya then!
Photo credit, for the above images in this blog post, goes to Barb Fellencer and Sarah Ickes.
Great thanks to the Shiremanstown United Methodist Church for the use of their facility.