Mindmapping with Misty Simon

Author Misty Simon standing beside the finished map after the class was over.
If you ever wanted to start writing, but were a little lost as to how to begin, then mindmapping might be helpful in getting your ideas onto paper first, and visually seeing where your story is heading. Now, that doesn't mean that each idea, and scene, is fully sketched in precise detail mind you. But it acts like guidelines to help ensure the course of the storyline remains in focus, as your characters grow throughout your writings. That is what Misty Simon's class was all about; pulling your thoughts straight from the brain and seeing where characters, scenes, and motives, all interconnect to form the basics of your book.
While this style of presentation is more suited for the aspiring writer, readers were also encouraged to attend for the ones who like behind-the-scenes explanations and learning about one of the methods authors can take in their writing journey. What made this informational class even more fun, was the participation of everyone helping to call out answers and assemble a story together; almost like doing MAD Libs.

It sure made for some interesting conversations, and an even more unique map in the end. The room was adjusted in order to tailor to a classroom setup, with tables and chairs provided for everyone and snacks lined up on a table just on the other side. We had numerous compliments on how the event turned out and we are delighted that Misty Simon was able to come down to our bookshop for the day.

For more information on Misty's books, you can visit her website and follow her on social media.
Thanks to Sarah Ickes, for taking the images of the day's event, and we will see you at the next one! #authorlife #mindmapping #authorclass #writingtips #books